Legal notice
- INSTITUTO DE MICROCIRUGÍA OCULAR DOS, S.L.U. (IMO BARCELONA and IMO MADRID) with Tax ID No. (NIF) B64261878 and addresses at Carrer Josep Maria Lladó, 3, 08035 Barcelona, and Calle del Valle de Pinares Llanos, 3, 28035 Madrid.
- INSTITUTO OFTALMOLÓGICO LÀSER VISIÓ, S.L.U. (IMO MANRESA) with Tax ID No. (NIF) B63050884 and address at C/ Carrasco i Formiguera, 33 (Baixos) 08242 – Manresa
- MIRANZA PIRINEOS, S.A.U. (IMO ANDORRA) con Tax Registration No. (NRT) _____________ and address at Av. de les Nacions Unides, 17 AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra
IMO MIRANZA is not responsible for external websites, which may be accessed through links, or any content provided by third parties. Any use of a link or access to an external website is made exclusively at the choice and risk of the user, and IMO MIRANZA does not recommend nor guarantee any information obtained through a link that does not belong to the website of IMO MIRANZA nor does it accept responsibility for any loss, claim or damage arising from the use or misuse of a link, or information obtained through it, including other links or websites, an interruption in service or access, or the attempt to use or misuse a link, both to connect to the website of IMO MIRANZA and when accessing information from other websites on the website of IMO MIRANZA. LINKS FROM OTHER EXTERNAL WEBSITES It is expressly forbidden to establish links from pages that contain statements or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic or pornographic nature, or a defence of terrorism, against human rights or any other unlawful act or contrary to morality and public order. In no case shall it be understood or declared that IMO MIRANZA intervenes, endorses, promotes, participates or has supervised in any way the page content, where the link appears, while not even consenting to its integration, except if express authorisation is given.PRIVACY POLICY
IMO MIRANZA acts as a content owner, facilitator and manager of this website. The institution informs Users that it complies with current data protection regulations and, in particular, with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, thereby repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation), with Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights and with the Law on the Information Services Society and Electronic Commerce, Law 34/2002 of 11 July. For more information about our Privacy Policy, please refer to the following Privacy Policy link.INFORMATION ABOUT THE USE OF COOKIES
Cookies may be used on this website. The purpose of these cookies is to improve the service they offer to their customers and our visitors. If you would like to know more about the use of cookies by IMO MIRANZA, please refer to our Cookies Policy.DISCLAIMER AND LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
IMO MIRANZA informs you that it implements at all times appropriate security measures in order to provide website users with appropriate, accurate and updated information and services. However, it reserves the right to rectify any aspect which may be inaccurate, outdated or incorrect. IMO MIRANZA has obtained the information and materials included in the website from sources that are considered reliable, but, although appropriate measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained herein is correct, this does not guarantee it is accurate or updated. The User shall also be advised that the contents of this website serve two purposes; informational, in terms of quality, location, services and rates, and another regarding service sales, as provided in this legal notice and other legal texts on this website. HINTS ON TECHNICAL ASPECTS IMO MIRANZA accepts no liability in case of interruptions or malfunction of the services or content offered on the Internet, whatever the cause. Furthermore, IMO MIRANZA accepts no responsibility any loss of data as a result of network outages, temporary suspension of electricity or any other type of indirect damage that may be caused to Users for reasons beyond their control of IMO MIRANZA IMO MIRANZA does not declare or guarantee that the services or content will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected or that the service or server making it available will be free of viruses or other harmful components, notwithstanding that IMO MIRANZA makes every effort to avoid such incidents. Should the User make certain decisions or carry out actions based on the information on any of the websites, checking the information received against other sources is recommended. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY The content provided by IMO MIRANZA, as well as the content disseminated on the network through its websites, constitute a work in the sense of intellectual property law, thus being protected by international laws and conventions applicable in the matter. Any form of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, making available and, in general, any other act of public use referring both to the websites and their content and information, without the express prior consent in writing by IMO MIRANZA, is prohibited. Consequently, all content displayed on the different websites and, in particular, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks, industrial drawings or any other sign susceptible of industrial and commercial use are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of IMO MIRANZA or third-party owners thereof, who have duly authorised their inclusion on the different websites. The contents, images, forms, opinions, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the websites, as well as the necessary software for the operation and display of the same, also represent a work within the meaning of Copyright and are, therefore, protected by international conventions and national laws on intellectual property that may apply. Failure to abide by the above involves the commission of unlawful acts and its sanction according to civil and criminal law. Any act by virtue of which the Users of the services or contents may exploit or commercially use, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, any content, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the websites without prior written permission of IMO MIRANZA is forbidden. Specifically, but not limited to the following, the reproduction, distribution, display, transmission, broadcasting, release in any form, storage on physical or logical media (for example, floppy disks or computer hard drives), digitising or making available from databases other than those belonging to the authorised ones by IMO MIRANZA are prohibited, as well as their translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of said opinions, images, forms, indexes and other formal expressions that are made available to Users through the services or content, to the extent that these acts are subject to the applicable legislation on intellectual and industrial property or that concerning image protection. IMO MIRANZA is free to restrict access to the websites and the products and/or services offered herein, as well as the subsequent publication of opinions, observations, images or comments that Users may send to them via e-mail. In this sense, IMO MIRANZA may, if deemed appropriate and subject to the sole and exclusive responsibility of Users, set the filters necessary to avoid that through its websites contents or opinions are disseminated that are considered racist, xenophobic, discriminatory, pornographic, defamatory or which, in any way, encourage violence or the spread of clearly unlawful or harmful content. Those Users who send to the websites of IMO MIRANZA, its department of suggestions, observations, opinions and comments via email service, unless they express otherwise in a true and unmistakable way, in the cases where this should be possible, due to the nature of the services or content, it is understood that they authorise IMO MIRANZA to reproduce, distribute, display, transmit, broadcast, release in any format, store in physical or logical media (for example, floppy disks or computer hard drives), digitise, make available from databases belonging to IMO MIRANZA, as well as the translation, adaptation, arrangement or any other transformation of observations, opinions or any such comments for the whole duration of the copyright, as prescribed by law. It is also understood that this authorisation is given free of charge and that by the mere fact of sending by email such observations, opinions or comments, Users reject any financial claim from IMO MIRANZA According to what has been stated in the previous paragraph, IMO MIRANZA is also authorised to proceed with the modification or alteration of such observations, opinions or comments, so as to adapt them to the needs of the editorial format of websites, without this meaning that there is any kind of grievance whatsoever to any of the moral faculties of copyright that Users may hold over them. Any of the technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which a third party may benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from each and every content, form, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the websites, or with regard to the efforts undertaken by IMO MIRANZA, for its operation, are prohibited. Specifically, any link, frame or similar link that may be established to the IMO MIRANZA websites is prohibited without the prior express written consent of THE CLIENT. Any infringement of the provisions of this point will be considered a violation of the legitimate intellectual property rights of IMO MIRANZA over the web pages and all the contents thereof. IMO MIRANZA shall not accept any liability whatsoever with regard to consequences derived from the behaviours and actions mentioned above; likewise, it shall not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the content, services, products, etc. of third parties, which can be accessed directly or through banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or similar links from the websites of IMO MIRANZA Any of the technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which a third party may benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from each and every content, form, indexes and other formal expressions that are part of the websites, or with regard to the efforts undertaken by IMO MIRANZA, for its operation, are prohibited. Specifically, any link, hyperlink, framing or similar link that can be established towards the websites of IMO MIRANZA, without the prior express consent in writing by IMO MIRANZA, is prohibited. Any transgression of what is set out in this section shall be considered a grievance to the legitimate intellectual property rights of THE CUSTOMER on the websites and all contents thereof. IMO MIRANZA shall not accept any liability whatsoever with regard to consequences derived from the behaviours and actions mentioned above; likewise, it shall not accept any responsibility whatsoever for the content, services, products, etc. of third parties, which can be accessed directly or through banners, links, frames or similar links from the websites of IMO MIRANZA.IMO Institute of Ocular Microsurgery
Josep María Lladó, 3
08035 Barcelona
Phone: (+34) 934 000 700
See map on Google Maps
By car
GPS navigator coordinates:
41º 24’ 38” N – 02º 07’ 29” E
Exit 7 of the Ronda de Dalt (mountain side). The clinic has a car park with more than 200 parking spaces.
By bus
Autobus H2: Rotonda de Bellesguard, parada 1540
Autobus 196: Josep Maria Lladó-Bellesguard, parada 3191
Autobuses H2, 123, 196: Ronda de Dalt – Bellesguard, parada 0071
How to arrive at IMO from:
IMO Madrid
C/ Valle de Pinares Llanos, 3
28035 Madrid
Phone: (+34) 910 783 783
See map in Google Maps
Public transport
Metro Lacoma (líne 7)
- Lines 49 & 64, stop “Senda del Infante”
- Line N21, stop “Metro Lacoma”
Patient care:
Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
IMO Andorra
Av. de les Nacions Unides, 17
AD700 Escaldes-Engordany, Andorra
Phone: (+376) 688 55 44
See map in Google Maps
IMO Manresa
C/ Carrasco i Formiguera, 33 (Baixos)
08242 – Manresa
Tel: (+34) 938 749 160
See map in Google Maps
Public transport
FGC. Line R5 & R50 direction Manresa. Station/Stop: Baixador de Manresa
Monday to Friday, 09:00 A.M – 07:00 PM